--- 分析与偏微分方程讨论班(2022秋季第11讲)
题目: On the existence of co-rotating vortices for the gSQG equation
报告人: 詹伟城 副教授 (厦门大学)
时间:2022-12-07 16:00-17:00 (周三下午)
地点: 腾讯会议 ID:545-314-171
摘要: In this talk, I will introduce some recent results of the existence of co-rotating vortices with N-fold symmetry for the generalized surface quasi-geostrophic equation. The main content is how to construct the solutions by maximization of the energy over the set of rearrangements of a fixed function. This is based on a joint work with Daomin Cao, Guolin Qin and Changjun Zou.
报告人简介: 詹伟城,厦门大学154.com皇冠副教授。主要从事流体力学中偏微分方程相关问题的研究, 相关成果发表或接收在SIMA、TAMS、JFA、CVPDE、IMRN、JDE、中国科学等学术期刊。